Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ode To my Bike Trainer

I wrote this last year during a cold snap and stumbled upon it today. Since the temperatures have plummeted, it seemed rather appropriate:


Even though you are not pink
Fond thoughts of you I do think.
You are truly hassle free
And provide some sanity
On nights when training must be late
Or days when I'm not feeling great
In the winter I know for sure
I can ride in any temperature
My hands won't turn all blue and stiff
I can be ready to ride in a jiff
While on my trainer I can watch t.v.
Something that's pretty foreign to me.
No need for a helmet, wear a tiara instead
Since chances are good I won't crack open my head.
While I ride, my children fetch water and GU
I boss 'em around on walkie talkies (it's true).
Although I'd much rather be outside
I know it can't be for every ride
When the weather's good and time works in my favor
I'll hit the road and every moment I'll savor.

1 comment:

A Closet Writer said...

Very witty writing! I enjoyed reading your ode to your bike trainer, it makes me almost want to stop playing hookey for the spinning classes that i signed up and paid for...almost. Thanks for an enjoyable read!